WHOIS Domain Lookup
Find out when a domain name is due to expire. This provides you the opportunity to grab a great domain as soon as it becomes available if the current owner decides not to renew.

Check availability of domain name
WHOIS search tool from HostFayy helps you to check whether your chosen domain name is available. In case it is, you can straightaway employ our domain checker and buy it.
Find a domain name owner
If your preferred domain name is taken, use our WHOIS lookup tool to find all publicly available information about the current domain registrar and owner, like their name and personal contact details.
See domain expiration dates
Find out when a domain name is due to expire. This provides you the opportunity to grab a great domain as soon as it becomes available if the current owner decides not to renew.
Find out all you need to know about a domain.
What is the WHOIS lookup tool?
HostFayys WHOIS lookup tool shows the latest data registered on the official WHOIS domain database. It gives you important information about the domain's registrant, and can be used an unlimited number of times for free.
How it works
Whenever someone registers a domain, they submit their information to the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN). Some of this information is made available on the public WHOIS database, and can be accessed using our WHOIS lookup services.
Is the WHOIS checker tool free to use?
Yes, you can use our WHOIS search tool to look up information on domain names completely free of charge. What’s more, there are no limits to the amount of searches you can perform, so feel free to use it as much as you like.